2012年2月7日 星期二

Body balance pad

Body balance adjustment insole
Body balance adjustment Board allows the user to adjust the body balance gravity line to restore balance, the body return to normal posture.

Gravity line balancing test methods:

Standing balance in the body to adjust the board, put on the back of the palm cross naturally; in the palm of the intersection of the vertical downward force that is the force of gravity line. Stand trial by rebalancing the body when the board did not stand in relation to health insole, the line of gravity in the human body can withstand a greater force to keep the body upright and not tilted.

Body balance adjustment board, can be used as health insoles. Balance adjustment can be made ​​into cushions, balance adjust seat, sleeping pad, and level adjustment.
Thickness of Body balance adjustment board is 0.8mm thick, suitable for any use of shoes.

Wear good shoes to go farther!

Changed for the worse shoe ,good to wear!

Distributor: Seek

Contact: davidlu55@hotmail.com

